Claude AI

A next-generation AI assistant for your tasks, no matter the scale

Claude AI

A next-generation AI assistant for your tasks, no matter the scale



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Claude is a next-generation AI assistant based on Anthropic’s research into training helpful, honest, and harmless AI systems. Accessible through chat interface and API in our developer console, Claude is capable of a wide variety of conversational and text processing tasks while maintaining a high degree of reliability and predictability.

Claude can help with use cases including summarization, search, creative and collaborative writing, Q&A, coding, and more. Early customers report that Claude is much less likely to produce harmful outputs, easier to converse with, and more steerable - so you can get your desired output with less effort. Claude can also take direction on personality, tone, and behavior.

Key Features

  • Given its large 100,000 token limit, Claude 2 can ingest entire documents to produce summaries, answer questions, and synthesize insights based on attached files.
  • Claude 2's Constitutional AI gives it an awareness of ethics and harms lacked by GPT-4.
  • Claude 2 outperforms GPT-4 on tests of logic, reasoning, and legal writing. Its accuracy on niche topics like law makes it well-suited for legal research and analysis.
  • With a 71.2% score on a Python programming exam, Claude 2 significantly outdoes GPT-4's 67% result.
